Russell “Hitman” Alexander formed the Hitman Blues Band and recorded their first release in 2000. With numerous overseas tours and 9 releases, the band uses humor and audience participation as a big part of their act. But the main attraction is the excellent songwriting, musicianship, and performances.
They play modern/alt blues, which can be high energy, slow and soulful, or happy boogie. It combines rock, funk, jazz, and – of course – blues, to create blues of the 21st century!
Hear it for yourself! Just enter your name and email address (and this will NEVER be shared with ANYONE) below and, within seconds, you’ll be sent the download link to the FREE album, the basic guide to the blues, and be added to the quarterly newsletter subscriber list!
So load up your favorite player and settle back to listen. Because it’s not the same old retread of the greats. As Midwestern Records said, “Now that’s the blues! This is the real deal…”