Playing original, critically acclaimed Modern Blues
It combines rock, funk, jazz, and – of course – blues, to create blues of the 21st century

Photo: Phil Honley

“Fine musicianship and strong songwriting – a winning formula!”

Blues in Britain

“” ‘What a find’ you may think – and you’d be right””

Blues Matters (UK)

If I had been managing your band then, not my own, you would have become nationally and internationally-known and I probably would not have had time to develop Black Sabbath.

Jim Simpson

“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the future of the blues!”

Bill Wilson, Reflections in Blue

“Our festival opened unofficially the night before, but the party didn’t officially start until the Hitman and Co. descended upon us!”

Upton Blues Festival

Welcome to the home of Hitman Blues Band, your ultimate destination for soulful blues music.

Immerse yourself in the raw authenticity of our blues performances,
where every note tells a story and every chord resonates with emotion.

As a prominent force in the blues scene, the Hitman Blues Band brings a unique
blend of passion and musical prowess to every stage.

Explore our discography, catch up on the latest blues news, and join us on a
journey through the heart and soul of this timeless genre. Discover why fans and critics alike
consider Hitman Blues Band a true powerhouse in the world of blues music.

Click Here to sign up for our newsletter, and get a FREE five song sampler!

The Hitman Blues Band – where the blues comes alive.

get ready for the live show


Upcoming events




Red Arrow Music Club

A great place to catch live music, here’s their “about us” info:
We provide International and Award winning artists in a friendly atmosphere with high quality sound. Shows feature blues, blues/rock, soul, funk inspired soloists and bands on the UK and international touring and festival circuits.

Real Ale is available at events courtesy of our sponsors GADDS’ Brewery along with the usual Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, all at club prices. Food (Rolls) and other snacks available.
There is a free car park at the club and local on road parking. In the evenings visitors to the club can also use the Magnet Trade car park, Newington Road, a 3 minute walk to the club.

  • 19 Newington Rd, Ramsgate CT11 0QX
  • 8:00 pm

Click the button
for info




The Eel Pie Club

We’re thrilled to be back at the Eel Pie Club, which is a “must play” venue for us!
They preserve the heritage of UK Rhythm ‘n’ Blues that started in SW London during the 1960’s, and they present great musical acts from all over the world.

  • The Cabbage Patch 67 London Rd Twickenham TW1 3SZ
  • Doors open 7:45 pm

Click the button for tickets




The Tuesday Night Music Club

With top line musical acts, the Club stresses respect for the acts, the Club, and your fellow attendees. So you can be sure you’ll have a great time and hear every note!

  • 194 Brighton Rd, Coulsdon, Greater London CR5 2NF
  • Doors open 7:00 pm

Click the button for tickets




My Father’s Place – Roslyn, NY

Established in 1971, My Father’s Place was founded by Michael “Eppy” Epstein on the principle of presenting original music by original artists to a discerning audience of Long Island music fans.  The location has changed, but the principles and excitement haven’t!

This will be the full Hitman Blues Band with some very special guests. Gail Storm will open the show, and the legendary Johnny Gale will be our featured guest – don’t miss this show!

  • 1221 Old Northern Boulevard, Roslyn, NY 11576
  • Doors open 6:00 pm for dinner & drinks

Click the button for tickets



October 25, 2024

The New Album!

We’ve released our new album, “Calling Long Distance”!

This features 12 songs – eight all new originals, three covers done in our unique style, and one cover of our friend Stewart Maxwell’s song “Watch That Thing”, a fun double-entendre boogie.

You can get your copy NOW at the Hitman Blues Band Store!

Russell "Hitman" Alexander
Photo: Manuela Langotsch @ Five Zero Digital

December 2024

2025 Tours!

We’re in the UK in February, playing festivals and venues featuring songs from our new release, “Calling Long Distance”!

See our gig page for the itinerary!

Photo: Laurence Harvey

August 2, 2022

hitman teaches online

Music Theory

Hitman has released a YouTube seminar called “Music Theory For The Easily Bored”, and it’s absolutely free! You can also download the Word version of the seminar for reference:

Click here for YouTube link

Click here for downloadable manual


Hitman did an online seminar for the Long Island Blues Society about songwriting! It covers how to begin, chord arrangements (basic), melody, and lyric writing.

Click here for YouTube link



And “The Blues – A Quick Primer”

Photo: Manuela Langotsch @ Five Zero Digital

Russell “Hitman” Alexander formed the Hitman Blues Band and recorded their first release in 2000. With numerous overseas tours and 9 releases, the band uses humor and audience participation as a big part of their act. But the main attraction is the excellent songwriting, musicianship, and performances.

They play modern/alt blues, which can be high energy, slow and soulful, or happy boogie. It combines rock, funk, jazz, and – of course – blues, to create blues of the 21st century!

Hear it for yourself! Just enter your name and email address (and this will NEVER be shared with ANYONE) below and, within seconds, you’ll be sent the download link to the FREE 5 song sampler, the basic guide to the blues, and be added to the quarterly newsletter subscriber list!

So load up your favorite player and settle back to listen. Because it’s not the same old retread of the greats. As Midwestern Records said, “Now that’s the blues! This is the real deal…”

We ask for your city and country so we can let you know when
we're playing near you!  But it's completely optional.

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Photo: Graham Hutton

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